My Testimony
Rajjae Lawrence
Age: 20
Topic: God is Our Provider
My younger sister was pregnant at 19yrs old with no job and no insurance. She’d tried to apply for medical assistance but it seems as though the system found every possible way to deny her. She had no way to get a check up or to even find out if she was having a boy or a girl. As we all know it is very important to go to the Dr. regularly while pregnant, but for my sister that was not a possibility. Then someone told her about a hospital that could help her out so she took an hour long bus ride (7 months pregnant) to this hospital only to get there and be denied. She called my mother in tears letting her know that they would not help her at all. I told my church family about her situation. Not only did she have no medical assistance but she had no money to buy the baby the things she would need and the baby was on its way in no time. In the later days of that seventh month of pregnancy she found a clinic that would finally be kind enough to get her the medical help she needed and she finally went to the Dr. The Dr. let her know that the baby’s head was at the bottom of her stomach, which means it was ready to come out…sooner than expected. She was aware of this but didn’t get any pains so she didn’t worry too much about it. The baby was due Jan. 2, 2007 but was born Dec. 12, 2006. Now my sister still needed things for the baby. God blessed her through my church family with a crib, playpen, stroller w/car-seat, clothes, and much, much more. God supplied all of her needs just in time. It’s good to know that even when God doesn’t do something when we want him to, he still always does it on time. Praise God and thank Jesus for being our provider and for loving my sister even though she had a child out of wedlock. Forgiveness is real. Thank God. Amen.
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