Howard Savage
“…several very stressful events took place, including the birth of our first child in Sept. 95, who was eventually diagnosed with a rare, genetic, degenerative muscle & brain disorder.”
Joyce Lock
“Labor did not produce birth and, with each contraction, the baby's heart rate diminished. Hour after hour, doctors deliberated as to whether to do a c-section, then still did nothing. This was the beginning of the new (barbaric) era of natural child birth. Only, there was no doubt, death was imminent; mine, the baby's, or both. Unknown to anything else, mom said she had felt it, too ~ and she was miles away.”
Kemilee LaCroix
“October 29th,1997, my whole life changed. My son, Brent Watson, was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer. My life turned upside down. Not knowing God made it difficult. I couldn't believe a God of love could allow this to happen.”