Kate Adamson
“The next morning I was in intensive care, completely paralyzed in a condition known as ‘locked-in syndrome’ brought on by a double brainstem stroke. I was trapped inside my body, bewildered and frightened, screaming silently, totally helpless.”
Kimberly Dreiman
“I was in bad shape. I had back neck injuries and couldn't feel anything from the waist down. The paralysis was due to the back injury and was temporary.”
"Buddy" Farris
“Doctors treated Farris for various injuries, but he overheard them tell his wife that he would never walk again and that he would suffer brain damage. Almost as miraculously as he lived, neither occurred.”
Johnathan Bond
“Two ribs were broken, his right arm and shoulder were broken, his back was broken in nine places and he was paralyzed from the waist down.”
Trina Hamilton
“Our boy started having multiple seizures. The right side of his body became paralyzed. The pediatrician started ordering multiple testing to be done, only to discover nothing still could be found causing the severe sickness.”