Caspar McCloud
“Somehow I managed to come down with a heart condition. We are talking serious stuff here. I discovered that it also ran in my family tree, but having been an orphan now for a number of years, I did not know anything about this at first.”
Leroy Hicks
“On August 1, 1991, I had a heart attack. I could of died, but by the grace and mercy of God, I made it through.”
Steve Ridenour
“Suddenly I was overcome with a sharp and severe pain through my chest and shooting down my left side down my arm and to my feet. I began sweating from head to toe and I could barely breathe. I was having a heart attack.”
Michael Main
“A few days earlier my mother had been in a car wreck, a month before my father had died of a heart attack. My mother spent several days in that medical limbo between life and death and I spent every hour of every one of those days in Hell.”
Ricardo Santana
“I would have heart attacks often; the doctor called it an ‘Electric heart attack’… Sometimes my mother would go to my room and find me on the floor holding my chest…”
Dave Simpson
“That night my heart that was so bruised and tired started to arrest.”
AJ Johnson
“When I was about ten, my father had a heart-attack… It turns out, he didn't make it. The Lord helped me in that time, my father was a REAL one of a kind dad…”