God Can Speak Through an Electron, and Other College Tips
Many college students lose their Christian faith by the time college is through with them! It doesn’t have to be that way. If you want help, try http://www.trueu.org. This site was announced, on the Focus on the Family Broadcast, June 14, 2006: http://www.family.org. Lots of helpful articles on college life and how to keep your Christian world view can be found at http://www.trueu.org.
Can God speak through an electron? You decide.
One day, some years back, I got into a discussion with some college students about whether the laws of calculus were discovered or invented. I am not an expert in calculus, and I doubt that even the best of theologians can adequately wrestle with this question.
What followed our discussion did shed some interesting light on the subject. My fellow student said this, “You know, it takes me a half hour of very complex calculus just to predict where an electron is going to fall on a vacuum tube. Yet, the electron does it in a mere nanosecond! And, the stupid little electron doesn’t even know calculus!”
Well, that got my brain going. I responded, “No, but its creator does!”
My friend said, “I’m going to have to go home and really think about that.”
And, I said, “You do that. And, you just may trip over God!”
I shared Jesus whenever students were ready. But, sometimes, I had to establish a foundation first. So, what is this basic foundation? Hebrews 11:6, New International Version, puts it this way: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” You can not believe that God will reward your effort to find him unless you first believe that he exists in the first place. You can not have faith in God and, thus, please him unless you establish that he exists in the first place.
So then, before my student friend was able to hear that God had spoken through a human being named Jesus, he needed evidence that God existed in the very first place. And, God, in his providence, used a tiny electron to confound this wise man who spoke the language of calculus. Calculus turned out to be the alphabet, the electron turned out to be the pen, and this college student’s mind turned out to be the ink. Thus, God introduced himself with a very profound, yet very tiny, scribble which we call an electron!
© by Chris Hansen
Author of Grandfather's Journal
Revelation Revisited and Secret of the Psalms
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