Randall Berens
“In 1990 at age 42 I was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph system… The next year, I underwent a bone marrow transplant which destroyed the cancer… Then God gave me just what I needed. In March of 1998 the cancer returned and my doctor gave me 2 years to live.”
Donna Rodriguez
“He was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer and was given one week to ten days to live.”
Kemilee LaCroix
“October 29th,1997, my whole life changed. My son, Brent Watson, was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer. My life turned upside down. Not knowing God made it difficult.”
Tim Greenwood/Peter Masonis
“Following the death of my father from cancer, I discovered the growth of cancer on my scalp just above my hairline. It was diagnosed as a fast growing, virulent skin cancer…”
Margaret Hughes
“In 1984 I was diagnosed with breast cancer in stage 3… I had a lumpectomy in January, 1985 and took chemo and radiation.”
Caspar McCloud
“With my career going the way it was, a lot of people would think I was in the midst of fulfilling the American dream, but in actuality, it was a very stressful time in my life. My mother had died from cancer and then my father was murdered shortly thereafter.”
Janis Damask
“The author told how he cured himself of colon cancer. The cancer was the size of a baseball. He had watched his mother die of colon cancer and he didn't want to die the way his mother did.”
Chris Hansen (1)
“I had vivid memories of standing at my mother’s graveside as clods of dirt fell heavily and finally on the top of her casket! Wasn’t that my final destination? My mother was emaciated by cancer. I was still young and strong. What difference did all that make! We were both destined to die!”